Charlie Wright Sr.
Posted by sbcadmin at September 17th, 2012

Charlie Wright Sr.
Charlie R. Wright, Sr. was born to Roman and Janie Wright of White Plains, Georgia July 23, 1949. He is the seventh son and eleventh child.
He accepted Christ at age 6 at the Rock Hill Missionary Baptist Church in White Plains Georgia. He was an active member of the Rock Hill Baptist Church serving as secretary, asst. superintendent and superintendent of the Sunday School. He sang in the choir.
He attended the Floyd T Corry Elementary School in Siloam Georgia and the Floyd T Corry High School in Greensboro Georgia. He was a member of the National Honor Society. He attended the Fort Valley State University from 1967 - 1971 where he earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agronomy (Plant and Soil Science) with a minor in Chemistry.
He started working for the USDA Soil Conservation Service as a student trainee in Kankakee, Illinois during the summer of 1968. He also worked as a student trainee in Edwardsville, Illinois, West Plains and Macon, Missouri. He accepted full-time employment with the agency as a Soil Conservationist in 1971 in Poplar Bluff, Missouri. In 1972 he transferred to Springfield, Missouri where he served until November 1974. In November 1974, he was promoted to District Conservationist for Pike County, Missouri and moved to Bowling Green. He became the first African-American to be promoted to District Conservationist in the State of Missouri, and he paid the price.
He has three children Charlie, Jr. and Charmaine of Springfield, Missouri and Miguel of Milledgeville, Georgia.
He started attending the White Rose Baptist church in 1974. In September 1977, WRBC ordained him a deacon under Pastor W. R. Boykins. In April 1984 he answered his calling into the Gospel Ministry and was licensed by the church under Pastor William Terry.
He served the Mount Carmel Baptist District Association as a district missionary from April until November. At which time he was called to Pastor Green Chapel M. Baptist Church in Clarksville, Missouri. In November 1984 he was ordained a Minister at WRBC under the directions of Pastor William Terry. He served as pastor of The Green Chapel Baptist Church from November 1984 until December 1988, at which time he was called to pastor White Rose. He served as Pastor of White Rose until December 2004. He was called to pastor Second Missionary Baptist Church of Huntsville in April 2006.
In 1996 he was promoted to District Conservationist/Team Leader for Pike and Lincoln Counties with the Natural Resources Conservation Service.
In 1997, He was elected Grand Chaplain of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Missouri and Jurisdiction and has been reelected every year unanimously. He is a 32nd degree mason. He is a member of the Arthur Florence Lodge 184 of Bowling Green, the Royal Arch Masons of Columbia, and the Queen City Consistory of Jefferson City, Missouri.
He served as President of the Bowling Green Lions Club in 2003-2004. In 2003, the Northeast Missouri Clergy Coalition was formed electing him as President. They held their first Annual Black History Program with over 300 in attendance.
He served as Moderator of the Mount Carmel Missionary Baptist District Association from June 1, 2000 – July 31, 2003. He has served as Treasurer of the Moderator's Division of the Missionary Baptist State Convention of Missouri and as a Trustee of Western Bible College in Kansas City.
On February 3, 2001, Pastor Wright was selected as the 2000 Citizen of the Year by the Bowling Green Times. The award was presented by Candice Velvin of the Bowling Green Times. State Representative Phil Smith added his congratulations with special resolutions from the Missouri House of Representatives and the Missouri Senate.
1988-2004 Pastor of White Rose Missionary Baptist Church of Bowling Green, Missouri
2005-2008 Pastor of Second Missionary Baptist Church of Huntsville, Missouri
2011 – Current – Pastor of Second Baptist Church of Fayette, Missouri